Friday, April 8, 2016

Bringing up the guns

As I mentioned at the tail end of my last post, the next step in my Imagi-nations project has been to put together some artillery for the Elabrüners. This has finally been completed--as anticipated, these were not the easiest fellows to paint. They are the Waterloo 1815 Austrian Artillery 1859, and PSR's dubiousness is pretty justified--there are some flaws with the poses, and I did not have the time to try to de-warp the cannon wheels. Still, like most figures they look a bit better with some paint on them:

Three views of the new artillery piece

And with the acquisition of this gun, I know have examples of each unit type on each side! Time for a review:
From left to right: light infantry, artillery, command, cavalry, line infantry.

More Occiterran cavalry are next, then more Elabrüner cavalry... and then I might finally be ready to play a game with these guys! (And there may be some terrain-building along the way as well...)


  1. You are right, whatever the flaws in the casting the painted gun crew looks quite pleasing.

  2. Very nice! I look forward to playing with these sometime soon.
